Our Mission
El Vista Baptist Church desires to glorify God by winning souls to Christ at home and abroad, to bring believers to maturity through Bible Preaching and teaching, and to enlist servants who give their best to advance the cause of Jesus Christ.
Here are some things that distinguish El Vista from other churches:We use the King James Version in all our English services because of the corruptions in modern versions.We use conservative hymns and Gospel songs (you might say "old-fashioned" music).We believe that every service should be built upon the Bible.We believe in the importance of Christian education.We believe in sincere, separated, and Spirit-filled living.We believe in seeking the lost at home and abroad.We still have Sunday night services and prayer meetings.These things don't make us better than anyone else, but they do help identify who we are as a congregation.
Here are some things that distinguish El Vista from other churches:We use the King James Version in all our English services because of the corruptions in modern versions.We use conservative hymns and Gospel songs (you might say "old-fashioned" music).We believe that every service should be built upon the Bible.We believe in the importance of Christian education.We believe in sincere, separated, and Spirit-filled living.We believe in seeking the lost at home and abroad.We still have Sunday night services and prayer meetings.These things don't make us better than anyone else, but they do help identify who we are as a congregation.
El Vista Ministries
We have Sunday School classes for all ages. We minister to hearing impaired and several others with special needs. During most of our services, we have separate services in Spanish. Children are served in nurseries and children's churches through grade six. We have a bus ministry and a christian school, K-8th grade. Our youth ministry is growing. Our Everlasting Nation Fellowship seeks to pray for and witness to Jewish friends. Instrumental and vocal music add much to our services. We have an annual missionary conference, Bible Conference, and periodic revival meetings. We hold nursing home and rescue mission services. James Howard is sent from El Vista as a missionary to Canada, and Joshua Lancaster is sent as an evangelist. Good News Club is conducted during the school year.
Here are a few ways to open a conversation that may lead to winning someone to Christ: May I ask you an interesting question? If you die tonight, do you know 100% for sure that you will go to Heaven? or "What do you think happens when you die?" or "Do you ever think about what happens when you die? What makes you think of it? What do you think it is?" or "Did you grow up in any religious faith, belief system or tradition as a child?" These are suggestions to begin a conversation. From there one may begin to introduce the message of the Gospel into the conversation.
"Soul-conscious" means being aware that people around us may be lost and in need of a Saviour. When a conversation begins with an individual, pay attention for clues concerning the individual's need and level of understanding. If one is already a believer, you can enjoy fellowship with your Christian brother or sister! If not, you may count on it that the Lord has given you an opportunity to witness. Carry a Bible tract or New Testament to be ready to pass along the way of salvation to your contact.
"Soul-conscious" means being aware that people around us may be lost and in need of a Saviour. When a conversation begins with an individual, pay attention for clues concerning the individual's need and level of understanding. If one is already a believer, you can enjoy fellowship with your Christian brother or sister! If not, you may count on it that the Lord has given you an opportunity to witness. Carry a Bible tract or New Testament to be ready to pass along the way of salvation to your contact.
Be a Five Star Christian:
- Read the Bible (search, compare, memorize, meditate)
- Pray (daily for loved ones, church family, the lost, the nation)
- Attend church faithfully (for your good and the good of the church)
- Give (practice tithing as a conviction, give more to missions, special needs)
- Witness to the lost (family members, aquaintances, set a time to go, keep a list of names)
Every Member a Greeter!
- Be a Welcome Committee of One. Greet folks that you see!
- When you have met a visitor in church, take a minute to introduce him to other members who will welcome them, too.
- A guest or member enters the service during a congregational song. We recommend that you offer him your hymnal, open to the song that we are singing.
- Personally invite visitors in our services to come again to other services and tell them about opportunities coming up.
- Help visitors with children find the Sunday School class, nursery, or appropriate children's church area.
- Help visitors by being sure they have a bulletin and an invitation to church activities that would interest them.
- Every member ought to congratulate new converts and members after the service. Show hospitality!