The Bible
In the late 1800's many revisions were made to the Greek text of the Bible. Most of these changes were based on the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus manuscripts that were believed (now disputed) to be older than most manuscripts. Two Anglican churchmen, Bishops Westcott and Hort, used those and a few other manuscripts to make extensive changes in the text from which the New Testament would be translated. Their text, known as the Critical Text, differed in thousands of places from the Received Text from which our King James Bible comes. We reject the current fad of new translations because nearly all of them follow the corruptions of the CT. We believe that God has preserved His Word for us in the King James Version, translated in 1611, and we use it throughout our ministry.
Some of the key verses that teach the preservation of the Bible include Psalm 12:6, 7; Matthew 24:35; and Isaiah 40:8. God went to great lengths to give the Scriptures through inspiration. It would be unlikely that He would not also promise to preserve His Word for all generations. "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." - Matthew 4:4 Some writers treat the Bible as any secular book, but it is a supernatural book given by God. Beginning with His promises to keep His words for us, our study of the issue leads us to the conclusion that He has kept His Word in the King James Version of the Bible for the English-speaking world.
Beware of the powerful influence of advertising in the field of Bible publications. For over 400 years people have read the King James Version with great profit, in spite of the educational level of some readers. Advertisers today point to the difficulty of reading the KJV English. As in other fields, familiarity and understanding come with frequent study. We are willing to read, study, and use tools (like dictionaries) in other fields. Why should we not be willing to do so in the most important literature? If God has preserved His words for us in our King James Bible, then we should be willing to put forth the effort to learn the correct text that He has given us. The changes in the text of the Scripture do not always make the reading simpler, and if the source text is in error, ease of understanding does not improve the translation.
Why Memorize the Bible
- To cleanse your mind & avoid sin
- To use in witnessing
- To draw comfort when needed
Sunday School
Sunday School gives many people an opportunity to serve the Lord in teaching, visiting, praying, and encouraging one another. We have a graded program for the children beginning in the nurseries. Our teen department includes junior and senior high school students. It is a great ministry for all of us at El Vista Baptist Church.
Sunday School is not for children only! We have adult classes for personally applied Bible Study and fellowship. The College & Career Class is for post-high school and college young adults. The Faithful Class is for adult couples and singles of various ages. Young at Heart class keeps spiritual fires burning in the lives of middle and senior adults. Come and join us this Sunday morning at 9:30 sharp.
Sunday School is not for children only! We have adult classes for personally applied Bible Study and fellowship. The College & Career Class is for post-high school and college young adults. The Faithful Class is for adult couples and singles of various ages. Young at Heart class keeps spiritual fires burning in the lives of middle and senior adults. Come and join us this Sunday morning at 9:30 sharp.
Every Sunday9:30 a.m."Make the Effort"
Nursery Care
Nursery Care for the infants, walkers, and toddlers is provided during both the Sunday School and Worship hours. Our nurseries are safe, clean, and well-staffed to provide your little ones an environment of fun, song, and Bible learning.
Our Music Director, Brother Phil Lancaster, oversees the musical ministry which has much to offer. A conservative style of music is used. Opportunities for service include the choir and orchestra. Children in grades 1 - 6 participate in the Patch the Pirate Club Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. led by Mrs. Randi Lancaster.
Jorge Montoya
(309) 839-6825
Bienvenidos! We have a Sunday School class (9:30 a.m.) and morning service (10:30 a.m.) for our Spanish-speaking friends. They are led by Pastor Jorge Montoya and meet in the Fireplace Room. We also have a 6:00 p.m. service on Sundays and a Wednesday evening Bible Study & Prayer Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Please pray for souls to be won to Christ.
Pastor Montoya is also streaming the Spanish services live on his Facebook page. Hear him onthe following link:
hemos cowenzado, una escuela dominical y servicio en la manana para nuestros amigos de la habla hispana. Ellos son derisidos por el Pastor; Montoya, ellos se congregan en un cuarto. Hemos empezados un servicio en los miercoles y oracion; por favor ore para que las almas sean para Cristo.
Here is a practical Bible doctrine. There is no record in the Bible of even a single infant baptism. Those who were baptized in the Bible had first openly professed their faith in Jesus Christ personally. Baptism is for believers, and should promptly follow one's accepting Christ. It is an act of obedience; an open identification with the Lord in His death, burial, and resurrection; and a public testimony of what He did inwardly.
The Lord's SupperOnce a month we spend time during an evening or morning service to observe the Lord's Supper. This is a memorial of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made on the cross for our sins. It bestows no saving grace, but causes us to examine our hearts and confess our sins to Him as our Great High Priest. It is an expression of our communion together with the Lord and with one another. As a church ordinance, we believe that those who partake should be saved, scripturally baptized, and in good standing with a church of like faith.
Bus transportation is available in some areas of Peoria. El Vista Baptist Church has been in the bus ministry since 1965. Hundreds of young people have been saved and many have followed the Lord into His service. Pray for the drivers, captains, helpers, riders, and their families that God will have His way in every life. Call the church office at (309) 692-8675 or e-mail Pastor Watt for more details.
El Vista Baptist Church has been recording the services for many years. Though we do not maintain an archive for very long, through our CD Ministry most services are available for a few months after the service. If you are interested in a CD of any service, please contact the church. You can also find services online on YouTube. Just search El Vista Baptist Church.
Services are interpreted for the hearing impaired. A Sunday School Class is conducted weekly, and activities for the hearing impaired are held occasionally.